The Roads Scholar I program is designed for local and state level transportation personnel to expand their knowledge and improve their skills in roadway maintenance and management techniques. This is a great way for roadway agencies to keep their employees properly trained and educated. Most training is offered for no or minimal fees, and training sessions are offered at various locations throughout the state.
Primary Audience – The RS I Program is primarily targeted to roadway agency and public works: maintenance workers, supervisors, and officials/administrators.
Secondary Audience – Secondary audiences may include inspectors, police departments, fire departments, public service districts (PSDs), water and wastewater operators, elected officials, and others. RS I classes may also appeal to secondary target audiences, depending on the specific class topic.
To become a RS I graduate, each participant must complete a total of eight classes.
Classes range in length, but are typically three to six hours. These classes must be completed within a 5 year period, with exceptions made if class offerings have not been available.
Participants are automatically enrolled in the Roads Scholar Program. There is no need to do any extra paperwork, other than submitting the typically requested registration information.
Each RS I graduate receives a framed certificate, an orange and white traffic barrel shaped mug, and a baseball cap.