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21 Tips for Safe Backing

​This Tailgate Talk is part of the NLTAPA collection.

1. Safe driving is mostly attitude - attitude- attitude 

2. Put macho, ego and humility in the glove box and leave them there 

3. Park & back defensively 

4. When in doubt- don’t back up 

5. Position yourself so you don’t have to back up if possible 

6. Don’t back up if you don’t have to 

7. While backing, you will always have a blind spot 

8. Every backing situation is different 

9. Plan backing to back the minimum distance possible 

10. Back toward the drivers side of the truck if possible 

11. Get out and look prior to backing 

12. Check for all types of obstacles - including overhead 

13. Back immediately after checking 

14. If you don’t have a back-up alarm, sound your horn before backing, and periodically while backing 

15. Continually check mirrors on both sides while backing 

16. Use a spotter if possible 

17. Eliminate noise and distractions while backing (open window, cease irrelevant conversation, turn down: radios, CB’s, stereos, etc.) 

18. Back slowly in the lowest gear possible 

19. Start backing from a proper position 

20. Back into parking lot spaces; so you can drive out, or better yet, drive through; so you are facing out 

21. When parallel parking, leave enough room in front; so you don’t have to back up when exiting

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