Winter Safety Training
Outdoor work requires proper preparation, especially in severe winter weather conditions. Although OSHA does not have a specific standard that covers working in cold environments, employers have a responsibility to provide workers with employment and a place of employment which are free from recognized hazards, including winter weather related hazards, which are causing or are likely to cause death or serious physical harm to them (Section 5(a)(1) of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970). Employers should, therefore, train workers on the hazards of the job and safety measures to use, such as engineering controls and safe work practices, that will protect workers’ safety and health.
Employers Should Train Workers
At a minimum train workers on:
Cold Stress:
How to recognize the symptoms of cold stress, prevent cold stress injuries and illnesses
The importance of self-monitoring and monitoring coworkers for symptoms
First aid and how to call for additional medical assistance in an emergency
How to select proper clothing for cold, wet, and windy conditions
Other winter weather related hazards that workers may be exposed to, for example, slippery roads and surfaces, windy conditions, and downed power lines
How to recognize these hazards
How workers will be protected: engineering controls, safe work practices and proper selection of equipment, including personal protective equipment
OSHA Winter Weather Safety E-Tool
Training Videos
Please view all videos using the "PREVIEW' version first.
If you decide a video is what you are looking for in training a group of your employees, you can then download the high resolution video version. This is important because the WV LTAP is charged per high resolution view of both the “English” and “Spanish” videos.
We are happy to offer these videos at no-cost to the local and state public works and roadway agencies located within West Virginia. Using the "Preview" version when evaluating videos allows us to keep our costs down and allows you to watch the complete video, just at a lower quality. The "Preview" version will still work great on a computer screen and helps us keep costs down and continue this program.
Training Documents |
Winter Safe Driving |
Cold Weather Precautions Tailgate Talk |
© 2021 West Virginia Local Technical Assistance Program