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Crash Investigation and Reconstruction



With the growing number of claims against roadway agencies, accident  crash investigation and the reconstruction process are key elements of effective risk management. The on-scene personnel must be aware of reconstruction data needs required for a successful defense or resolution of a claim. Understanding the capabilities and limitations of accident reconstruction will prepare agency attorneys to better evaluate a claim's validity. At-scene and after-accident investigation and data collection are discussed. Collection techniques for roadway, vehicle, and other crash-related data are described, and common reconstruction techniques and their applications are reviewed.


Upon completion of this class, attendees should be able to:

  • Understand what crash reconstruction can and cannot do

  • Identify key crash data to be collected at the scene and after the crash

  • Be familiar with the common reconstruction techniques and their underlying assumptions and limitations


This class should be of interest to engineers, technicians, public works directors, law enforcement personnel, claims investigators, attorneys, and other roadway personnel with responsibilities in traffic safety related areas.

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