Welcome to the WV LTAP Forum! This forum provides you with the opportunity to ask for guidance and feedback on roadway and transportation topics from your peers and others involved with roadway and public works agencies across West Virginia. The forum will be managed by the WV LTAP staff. We ask you to please review and follow the guidelines listed below, in order to make this an effective and professional communication tool.
Include a SUBJECT line in new threads that accurately reflects the content of your message. This allows members who are not interested in the topic to bypass the note.
Include your NAME, TITLE and TOWN at the end of your message. This helps those reading the message to know who to respond to when replying.
A FLAME is a message containing abusive content of any sort: name calling, profanity, ridicule of another member's beliefs, opinions, etc. Discussion of issues is encouraged but flaming will not be tolerated. If you disagree with another member's post, then send the note directly to the member and not to the list. If flaming occurs, the offender will be immediately removed from the list at the list manager's discretion and NOT open to dispute. Pay close attention to the next guideline.
Be CAREFUL with humor and sarcasm. Messages can be easily misinterpreted without voice inflection. Subtle humor tends to get lost and may be interpreted as a flame.
Be BRIEF. Never say in ten words what you can say in fewer. Often, a good message is only one or two sentences long. Remember, the longer your message, the fewer people will bother to read it.
The forum should not be used to advertise products and/or services, although products/services may be discussed for the purpose of providing support to other members. This is a fine line, do NOT try to take advantage of it. Offenders will be warned if they cross the line and REMOVED if the behavior continues.
When replying to a message, please note that the reply goes to everyone following the forum or the post. To discuss topics offline, click on the user’s name to obtain their email address.
All ADMINISTRATIVE messages should be sent to the list manager and not to the list. Send messages to: wvltap@wvu.edu.